Despatch times are on average 1-3 working days. With an estimated delivery time of 1-2 working days after shipment in the United Kingdom and 7-10 working days internationally.
All items are shipped well packaged to avoid potential damage in the shipment process.
The shipping costs will be shown at checkout. Shipping costs may vary for each region. Also, shipping costs may vary for the total value of a product/s. Tax and customs charges may be applicable for buyers outside of the United Kingdom. If these charges occur, they are to be paid in full at the requested shipping company. We are not liable for these charges. These charges can vary for different regions. Please check local laws before deciding to purchase from abroad.
Tracking information will be sent to the email address used upon purchase once the item/s has/have been shipped.
In the event of heavy damage or a lost parcel throughout the shipping and handling of packages, a full refund or replacement will be provided.